If you are an avid golfer, you probably watched (or at least heard about) Phil Mickelson’s amazing performance at the PGA Championship becoming the first person to ever win a major at the age of 50. Phil is probably in the top 10 all time golfers in the world, but how did he accomplish this feat that no one in the past has ever done?
Listening to his interviews and watching him execute shots during the tournament, here are some takeaways you could apply to your own game.
- Focus on your breath. Long/deep breathing throughout the round. Focusing on your breath and deep breathing is the easiest and quickest way to be in the present moment. Breathing in and out to a count of four will help you center yourself and keep maximum focus.
- Belief in ability. Every golfer struggles (no matter how good you are) with their belief to reach their goals at multiple points in their careers. Phil used the recent accomplishment of Tom Brady winning Super Bowl 2020 at the age of 43. If Tom could win in football at age of 43, then Phil could definitely win a major in his fifties.
- Focus on the pre-shot routine. Phil’s pre-shot routine was his main goal to execute on every shot. When asked about certain errant shots, he simply stated, I lost my focus or didn’t focus well enough. He made maintaining focus his top priority for every shot. Having a solid pre-shot routine is fundamental for focus and to perform at your top level. Although each step of your pre-shot routine is important, there are a few key areas Phil executed.
- Observe: The wind was a big factor at Kiawah as well as trouble areas (sand, water,etc.). Every shot Phil had to analyze the wind and where trouble was in order to determine what shot to hit.
- Strategy: Taking his ball lie into account, a strategy is developed for the club to use and type of shot to hit.
- Visualize: Standing behind the ball, Phil would close his eyes and envision the perfect shot to make.
- Composure: Taking slow deep breaths to keep the body calm and the mind present. He not only did this in his pre-shot routine but throughout the round. This helps keep negative thoughts at bay.
- Feel: Using practice swings to feel the swing that would create the shot that was visualized.
- Trust: No second guessing, just let the swing go without any doubt. Phil was swinging confidently all tournament.
All in all it was a spectacular performance and I hope he is able to do it again at the US Open!
Brian Gardner
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